Youth Weekend away

22-24 Nov 2024

To book, please pay and fill out the form on this page by 29th September 2024.
If you are booking multiple places the form can be filled out as many times as needed.

The price of the weekend is £95, which covers what we’re charged for accommodation and the high ropes activity. St Matthew’s Church subsidise the rest of the costs (food, travel etc.). If the cost is too much please just contribute whatever you can easily afford.

You can make an online bank transfer with the reference 'YWEA24' to 'ST MATTHEWS PCC', 65255667, 08-92-99, or use the contactless reader or cash envelopes by the church entrance.

Your name:
Email Address:
(if your contact details will be different during the Weekend Away please put this in the extra info section in case we need to contact you urgently)

Child's name 
Child's date of birth:     

Any medical information or dietary requirements?: 

Any extra info?:   
  I'm happy for photographs of my son/daughter to be used in St Matthew’s publicity

Tick for consent:
  • you give consent for us to store this information on computer  • you give consent for your son/daughter to take part in all activities on the Youth Weekend Away • in the event of a leader being unable to contact you first, you give consent for your child to undergo emergency hospital treatment should the need arise, and authorise the leader to sign on your behalf 
Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, here's a short video to help you get to know us.
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We welcome people of all faiths or none to come and visit any Sunday at 10.30am or 5pm or you can watch from home online to get an idea of what to expect. If you are new to all this, you won’t be alone. We'd love to answer questions and get to know you.

I hope to meet you soon.

Frank Price (vicar)