Prayer: our first priority



Praying together is the most powerful thing we can do, so we meet to pray from 7.45 - 9.15pm on the first Tuesday of every month (except August). We share church news here first, more openly than on Sundays. We also sing, give thanks and hear updates from mission partners and teams. You can pray in a small group or quietly in your thoughts if you prefer.
We share coffee and cake from 7.30pm. Please come in person if you can. If not, we'd love you to join on the usual church zoom link here:

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We share church family news to help us pray for one another regularly.

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Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, here's a short video to help you get to know us.
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New here?

New to Cambridge? Curious about God? Looking for a church?

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We welcome people of all faiths or none to come and visit any Sunday at 10.30am or 5pm or you can watch from home online to get an idea of what to expect. If you are new to all this, you won’t be alone. We'd love to answer questions and get to know you.

I hope to meet you soon.

Frank Price (vicar)