Youth (11-16s)

On Thursdays youth group meets in the church halls from 6-7.30pm during term time. We enjoy games, youth-friendly Bible talks, group discussion, and time to hang out together. Youth group is an opportunity to make friends and get to know Jesus from the Bible. Friends and visitors are welcome every week. Have a look at what's on this term.
On Sundays youth group meets during the 10.30am service. We normally look at the same part of the bible as the adults' sermon, and discuss it in a youth-friendly way. Sometimes we have "sit-ins" where we stay in for the whole service, with an activity sheet to help follow the sermon.
Members of the youth group are offered opportunities to volunteer by helping with the creche, children's groups, serving coffee, playing in the band, or operating the tech.
Each year there is a youth weekend away and a Christian summer holiday for teenagers.
Our full-time youth worker heads up a team of volunteers who are recruited safely and trained according to our safeguarding policy. We ask parents to fill out a registration card on arrival.
Please contact us for more information.